April 8, 2022, 11:03 a.m. | Zanimljiva događanja
As part of the project How to improve wound healing, and as a kind of introduction to the School Open Day, Marijo Kobaš, MD, a representative of Lola Ribar doo, gave a lecture for teachers on the role of Manuka honey in wound care. Manuka honey is a natural choice in wound care as an alternative to silver treatments. It is suitable for all types of wounds, has antimicrobial action, has a significant role in debridement and wound cleansing, prevents unpleasant odors and, most importantly, promotes wound healing in the phase of granulation and epithelialization. During the lecture, teachers had the opportunity to see wound dressings with Manuka honey and get acquainted with their effects on practical examples, but also to taste Manuka honey in a tube. In addition to dressings with Manuka honey, the role of other types of supportive dressings in wound healing was discussed, such as polyurethane foam, polyurethane foam with silicone layer, silicone mesh and superabsorbents.
This lecture, followed by education for students, is an introduction to, hopefully, a long and successful cooperation between our school and the company Lola Ribar dd.